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Convoluted Views Near Media Ownership Inhibit Effective Policy

I was late reviewing the effectiveness of media ownership policies in addition to regulations in addition to was struck yesteryear the express success they accept achieved during the yesteryear l years inward Western nations.

There appear to live on ii primal problems amongst ownership rule efforts: ownership actually is non the number that nosotros are trying to address through policy in addition to nosotros accept convoluted views of ownership.
Media ownership is non actually what concerns us, but is a proxy of other concerns. What nosotros are actually worried close is interference amongst democratic processes, manipulation of the catamenia of tidings in addition to information, powerful interests controlling populace conversation, exclusion of voices from populace debate, in addition to the purpose of marketplace might to mistreat consumers. It is hence the behavior of some of those who ain media rather than the ownership shape or extent of ownership that actually concerns us.

This is compounded because media practitioners, scholars, in addition to social critics accept highly convoluted views close ownership in addition to most accept complaints close all forms of ownership. It is hence nearly impossible to position a preferential a shape or extent of ownership.
We don’t similar someone ownership of media because proprietors tin purpose them pursue their someone interests; nosotros don’t similar corporate ownership because companies tin seat net income goals ahead of social goals; in addition to nosotros don’t similar having only populace service media because they doesn’t supply plenty pick in addition to are oft express inward their might to pursue political agendas--a business office of import inward democracy.

We don’t similar big companies because they tin live on arrogant in addition to unapproachable in addition to because they tin command content equally good equally markets; nosotros don’t similar small-scale companies because they can’t supply the arrive at in addition to character of content nosotros wishing in addition to because they sometimes can’t withstand pressures from powerful interests.
We don’t similar unusual owners because they don’t portion our identity, don’t stand upwardly for who nosotros are really well, in addition to tin convey unusual influences that touching on national sovereignty; nosotros don’t similar domestic owners because they tin live on also about those amongst domestic social in addition to political power.

The list of ownership nosotros exercise non like—and the fact that most rule is promoted because of item proprietors nosotros disliked—makes it hard to fashion effective policies. We are stymied because no ownership shape itself is proficient or bad in addition to they all accept advantages in addition to disadvantages. And in that location are examples of proficient in addition to bad owners nether all the forms of ownership.
Using ownership rule to command the behavior of bad owners tin exclusively somewhat boundary the orbit in addition to scale of their activities, non address their poor behavior. It is similar permitting higher levels of criminal offense inward i expanse of town equally long equally it does expand into other areas.

If nosotros are to effectively address our existent concerns, nosotros require to prepare improve mechanisms for influencing behaviour in addition to nosotros require to stop ineffectively regulating ownership only because it makes us experience similar nosotros are doing something.
Convoluted Views Near Media Ownership Inhibit Effective Policy Reviewed by Dul on December 05, 2011 Rating: 5

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